Chief on Demand - From ‘on the pay-roll’ to ‘on-demand’
We go from possession to use everywhere. From now on, this also works for Business Teams. By having access to the right expertise when needed. From “on the payroll” to “on demand.” Well, the skill, the revenue and the loyalty, not the fixed costs! You can expect that from a Chief on Demand.
The CoD is a member of the management team, an active sparring partner with proven track record in his or her field, content and manegerial. They have extensive knowledge and experience with which the organisation and management can benefit. Triceps’s ‘on demand’ service is tailor-made and can take many forms: from short interim to consultancy or project-based approach or directly as CoD. Scaling up and down as needed is key to the service.
The CHRO - everything revolves around insight and leadership
A strong corporate culture provides a powerful competitive advantage, especially during times of change. Is the company’s corporate culture properly aligned with its direction?
The CFO - combination of people and numbers
The Chief on Demand is a full member of the management team and participates in executive meetings regarding the strategic direction of the company, its vision, and core meetings with with banks and investors.
The CTO / CIO - connecting people, technology and business
The CTO / CIO – The team understands what it takes to bring an innovation from idea to market. Strategy is translated into roadmaps and the required system and software development.
Helps to make the translation into the future
As an entrepreneur and management, you want to take opportunities when they arise. Preferably with an organisation that responds to rapid market and technological change in a proactive and proactive way.
Opening up new markets
Marketplaces are becoming global therefore expanding into a new market can be an effective way to leverage your core business for growth.
Think of us as your regular sparring partner in a rapidly changing field of work. Our people use all their knowledge, skills and experience to help you and your organization achieve your goals.
Interested? Make an appointment with Marc Timmermans Managing Partner Triceps to discuss the possibilities (Phone +31 88 5000 500 or Mobile +31 6 2638 2019). Or send us a contact request for an introduction session.
The hidden costs of software inventory
As we near the end of 2020, many CEO’s, CFO’s and business owners again will have experienced the impact of not delivering the planned innovations on time. In many companies, the software team is (perceived to be) the main bottleneck. ….lees meer.
BaasBekwaam? Laat het meten!
Meten is weten en Google is er groot(s) mee geworden. Naast data-exploitatie, is onder meer gedurende 10 jaren onderzoek* gedaan naar de 10 kenmerken die een “beste baas” doen onderscheiden van gewoon een “baas”. ….lees meer.
The gardeners dilemma
How all software teams move towards zero productivity and what to do about it. Imagine you just started your own gardening company. Your first customer, Mary, was very happy with your dedication, personal attention and praised the quality of your work. ….lees meer.