We help you to accelerate your real potential!
Coaching & Training provides development power to increase your effectiveness and creativity. Our coaching and team training is tailor-made and enables you and your organisation to create insight and a new perspective. Get more out of yourself and increase your chances.
The coaching and training agency for professionals and executives.
If you could do anything, what would you most like to do? Triceps helps professionals and organisations achieve their goals. Our executive coaching, career marketing / career guidance and talent assessment are focused on personal development, leadership, team development and organisational change.
Not our training courses, but your goals are central. Our success is based on our knowledge of companies and organisations. This knowledge is fed daily by our search practice and consultants (chiefs on demand). Triceps executive coaching and training is a modern and fully-fledged programme under the motto 'becoming who you are'. Triceps has its own training locations in Utrecht and Waalre and operates nationwide with in-company training courses.
Do you need help in planning your career? Triceps can help you with that. Call us on: 088 5000 500 or send us a contact request. There is a Triceps executive coach in your area.
Personal attention and intensive contact are the basis
The world continues to change, we work longer hours. As an executive, talent and entrepreneur, you function daily in complex force fields with major changes, responsibilities and challenges. These dynamics and complexity often pose three challenges:
1. Self-Knowledge:
Knowing, discovering and determining your position. What do I stand for now? Who am I really? With what qualities? What are my pitfalls? What do I find really important?
2. Self-choice:
Making choices. What am I (really) going for right now? What options and choices are there? What else is possible? And what goals am I setting?
3. Self-directed:
How do I achieve my set goals? How do I realize my choice?
Continually reinventing yourself is part of our times. Whether it’s about your career, professional challenges in your current or future role, your team of today or your organization of tomorrow. Time and again these three questions of self-knowledge, self-choice, self-directed come up. Answers are critical to your success as an executive, talent or entrepreneur. Triceps coaches organizations and professionals to develop and find the answers.
Our coaching is tailor-made and linked to extensive expertise in labour market dynamics and enables you and your organization to create insight and a new perspective. Grow personally and professionally. Get more out of yourself and increase your opportunities. Become who you are.
Triceps coaching, training and outplacement: check out our programs

Behavior is measurable and determines your success. The Triceps Talent Assessment is a potential analysis that consists of: inventory of effective behavior, your pitfalls, ambitions and identifies your development areas.
Who do you want to be
Triceps uses a psychological and linguistic ordering system for its Assessments; FITCH. Developed in practice and continuously updated. The model describes people’s behaviour in terms of roles and interactions. As such, it is an analysis tool, integrally mapping individuals, functions, departments or organisational cultures.
The model incorporates psychological theories, including the well-known ‘Big Five’ personality traits. It pays attention to effective and ineffective behaviour. Moreover, this test is not limited to aspects of human functioning, such as personality and traits. It also highlights candidates’ capabilities. FITCH also reveals where the candidate’s ambitions lie and the developmental indications to realise those ambitions.

On your way to your new career, listen to yourself! With Triceps Career Coaching, you’ll get the most out of yourself and boost your career by better discovering and using your abilities. That’s the goal with which you’ll get to work with two coaches from Triceps.
At a crossroads in your career?
Your career is growing and changing and now you are at a crossroads. What are you going to do? The Triceps Crossroads programme will help you in this process one to find the answer. You can choose from two versions: the programme for senior managers in the second half of their careers or ambitious women halfway through their careers.

What do you need to find your leader? With Executive Coaching, Triceps offers professional coaching to the professional, board and top management of the organization. A level sparring partner that ultimately helps you and your organization move forward.
What do you need to find your leader?
With Executive Coaching, Triceps offers professional coaching to the board and top management of the organisation. You can count on a senior coach from Triceps having operated at a similar level to you and can therefore hold up a mirror to you like no other in order to increase insights. A high-level sparring partner who ultimately helps you and your organisation move forward.
Executive coaching is tailor-made. Triceps tailors its services to specific situations in your organisation. In certain cases, we achieve more results by offering team coaching for the entire management team in addition to individual coaching. Your question is leading and Triceps mainly acts as a sparring partner and sounding board to create more value for you and your organisation.

Are you ready for exponential change in your business? Implement executive training. These make an important contribution to creating support, motivation and energy in your organization. They provide the skills, which we did not get naturally and are absolutely essential to be successful in business.
How to balance different characters
With Executive Coaching, Triceps offers professional coaching to the board and top management of the organisation. You can count on a senior coach from Triceps having operated at a similar level to you and can therefore hold up a mirror to you like no other in order to increase insights. A high-level sparring partner who ultimately helps you and your organisation move forward.
Uw organisatie, afdeling of management bestaat uit verschillende mensen met verschillende karakters en uiteenlopende talenten. Als die mix in balans is dan heb je een krachtig instrument om effectief je doelstellingen na te streven. Maar als die balans er niet is, gaat dat bijna altijd ten kostte van de focus en worden targets moeilijk haalbaar.
Triceps heeft de specialisten om die disharmonie te ontdekken én te herstellen. Met aan de basis een uitgebreide persoonlijke en inhoudelijke kennismaking met de mensen, de business en het team. Waar liggen de knelpunten? Staat iedereen in zijn kracht? En wordt die optimaal ingezet?
Triceps biedt antwoorden op die vragen, geeft inzicht in de groepsdynamiek en werkt samen met jou en je medewerkers aan een nieuwe, op persoonlijke balans gerichte harmonie.

Permanently shaping how you see the environment and yourself. Mentoring and coaching programme for professionals who want to develop their management and leadership skills. This is about leading with hard skills but especially about soft skills: understanding people and responding to them. Both with hard results.

One team a success, the other a failure Well-functioning teams are crucial, an essential component and the lubricant in any organisation, regardless of its size and level of ambition.
Why Triceps coaching, training and outplacement!
Not our training courses, but your goals are central. Our coaching is tailor-made and tuned to what you really need.
Our knowledge of companies and the labour market is fed daily by the Triceps Search practice, Talentbank and Consultants.
Personal attention and intensive contact form the basis. If desired, you can make use of double coaching. One coach focuses on your personal development, the other helps you formulate your personal brand. A matter of course: Dutch & English speaking.
Our outplacement approach has proven to be very effective in recent years; 98% of the professionals who followed the programme are back at work in a job or as an (independent) entrepreneur.
Coaches - Our People

Rob Boerboom
People get inspired and motivated

Frank Weegink
Developing more job satisfaction and effectiveness together

Joost Horsten
Navigating intersections

In my search for a new job, I experienced the guidance of Triceps as very professional. Both the coaching and the counselling during the entire process were of a very high level and helped me very much in finding a suitable position, and this also within the period of six months that I had set. Throughout the entire process, the Triceps consultant was also very flexible in terms of the appointments I wanted to make prior to job interviews. This was always possible at short notice, if necessary by phone or skype. I am grateful for the support Triceps has offered me and I feel perfectly at home in my new position.

And there you are, "on your way to a new challenge". As a person with final responsibility, the process of saying goodbye is nothing new, it is part of your job. However, this time I said goodbye! Farewell to people but also to a part of myself. Why Triceps? As a human being and a professional, I was at the centre! By taking a critical look at myself as a 'brand' and investing, I am back in my place. A place where I can make a difference. In this way, I would like to thank Triceps, my coach and supervisor for the support they have given me and for the many late hours.
White paper: High Performance Teams
In this white paper for leaders and managers we share:
✓ The characteristics of failing and winning teams.
✓ Why one team is a success and another is a failure.
✓ How to build a High Performance Team as a responsible.