Interim Operations Directeur (ingevuld per 1-7-2024)

Als interim Operations Directeur ben je de drijvende kracht achter het naadloos leveren van oplossingen via een geoptimaliseerde supply chain. In deze transitiefase leid je een gekwalificeerd team, creëer je effectieve samenwerkingsverbanden en optimaliseer je processen en systemen. Als strategische regisseur verwezenlijk je de operationele doelen.

Interim Senior Transitiemanager Scale-up (vervuld per 14-07-2023)

Als Interim Senior Transitie Manager loods je een Scale up organisatie in de Energiesector door een belangrijke transitiefase. Je creëert draagvlak bij de huidige statutaire leiders en stakeholders, je integreert een tweetal business modellen en zorgt voor strategische en operationele borging.

Interim Supply Chain Projectleider (ingevuld)

Als pragmaticus, doener en supply chain specialist ga je als projectleider aan de slag met en verantwoordelijk voor de optimalisatie van de Supply Chain Planning op basis van het onlangs geïmplementeerde Exact Global Next. Je verbindt de afdelingen Purchasing, Production, Sales en Logistics en intensiveert de samenwerking.

Manufacturing Director ad interim

Als ervaren people manager met een bewezen track record in manufacturing in de high tech industrie, breng je rust, overzicht en zorg je ervoor dat de structuur/processen klaar staan voor de volgende groeifase van een scale-up organisatie in nano- en microtechnologie.

Interim Global Business Development Manager

You will bring client’s Global Commercial activities to the next level. It is your task as Global Business Development Manager to prepare and make distribution agreements with the leading glass manufacturers to make the roll out of the new product a big success. The role will involve a major part of travelling to global Customers/Distributors as well as to the Headquarters in Denmark.

Interim Global Business Development Manager

You will bring client’s Global Commercial activities to the next level. It is your task as Global Business Development Manager to prepare and make distribution agreements with the leading glass manufacturers to make the roll out of the new product a big success. The role will involve a major part of travelling to global Customers/Distributors as well as to the Headquarters in Denmark.


Are you at your most powerful? High-caliber interim management Triceps consultants are available to strengthen your organization on an interim basis. This could involve temporary projects requiring extra management time or temporary replacements within existing processes. In either case, you can count on us to provide high-quality interim management. Thanks to our active shadow management …

Interim Project Executive

As Interim Project Executive your immediate task is to support and direct the sales and execution team with financial and legal risk management. With a natural balance between providing directive support and hands-on execution focus, your role is to execute the Group’s risk management in projects and enhance the quality of Group’s project management.

Scaling Up Business

Scaling Up Business: Unlocking Growth at Every Stage.We help scale businesses and drive growth by measuring and understanding what it takes to achieve sustainable breakthroughs. In doing so, we offer startup and scaleup companies a unique mix of tools for strategy and innovation, while combining that with our organizational and execution power. This is what …

Executive Search & Match

Personality and expertise must be right!Executive Search & Online Matching. Knowing what a company needs to make real strides and finding professionals who make a lasting difference is our skill. Successful since 1996 thanks to a carefully built network.CONTACT US DIRECTLY Executive Search & MatchWe analyse quickly and understand what is needed at every stage …