We go from possession to use everywhere. From now on, this also works for Business Teams. By having access to the right expertise when needed. From “on the payroll” to “on demand.” Well, the skill, the revenue and the loyalty, not the fixed costs! You can expect that from a Chief on Demand.

Business expertise

Chief on Demand Human Resource strategist focused on creating high performing organizations

A strong corporate culture provides a powerful competitive advantage, especially during times of change. Is the company’s corporate culture properly aligned with its direction? If yes, there’s a good chance acquisition, growth, product innovations, or a proposed merger would be successful. Employees are the corporate culture and the biggest challenge for management is ensuring that everyone contributes to the bigger picture in the most balanced and effective way.

This is pre-eminently the domain of the Triceps Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO on Demand). As a hereliable HR business partner he works to strengthen organizations that need it most, with an approach based on trust, companionship, and a commitment to put in the effort required. It goes beyond just giving obligation-free advice; the CHRO on Demand is an active sparring partner in discussions regarding culture and behavior. Acting as a talent broker, they develop relationships, make decisions, and solve problems. With community management as a point of focus for all employees, the CHRO on Demand will engage in team building efforts, influence and coach cultural and behavioural dynamics, and resolve conflicts.

Chief on Demand HRO
 Our sparring partners for CEO’S, management teams, and investors, and change process strategists is Bernadette Crijns our experienced CHROs on demand.

“Many companies want an HR strategy derived from their business strategy, with a clear HR agenda that aligns with the organization’s future developments. Phases such as expansion, shrinkage, organic growth, a takeover, a new product market, or a new sales culture require a particular kind of leadership, which the CHRO knows how to facilitate. You cannot simply change a corporate culture, but you can clarify the effect of a decision”.

Future-oriented listening. We believe in the product and the market, and we always look at whether an organization is set up properly. Invariably, our first question is, “why does your organization want to do this?”. We translate the answer to this question into future aims – perhaps you’re ready to hire technological expertise, or recruit candidates from the US if that’s where your growth market is. Often, you act as a sounding board for the CEO, who can now discuss their personal motivations with an external party.
Interested?  Triceps’ on-demand service can be purchased as a subscription and tailor-made can also be developed. Contact us for an open discussion on phone +31 88 5000 500, or send us a contact request.
Meten is weten en Google is er groot(s) mee geworden.
Meten is weten en Google is er groot(s) mee geworden. Naast data-exploitatie, is onder meer gedurende 10 jaren onderzoek* gedaan naar de 10 kenmerken die een “beste baas” doen onderscheiden van gewoon een “baas”. ….lees meer.
boom groot
“Wat een bijzondere tijd is dit, hè? ” en “Hoe bijzonder dat de wereld in de afgelopen weken zo heel anders is?” Dit zijn uitspraken die wij dagelijks en tijdens elk gesprek horen. ….lees meer.