Are you at your most powerful?


When you dare to look further, you see something beautiful

28 January 2025Validation as a growth accelerator: Strategic validation is not an expense, but an investment that pays off quickly. Scale-ups in the High Tech Systems & Materials sector that focus on customer ROI translate their techno...
14 October 2024ESG is essentially about good business practices. By focusing on ESG, you’ll develop a long-term strategy and gain insights into material and energy availability, strengthening your business
16 January 2022For most businesses today, the software is not only an enabler for your business but a foundation. Often the software is where you can/must differentiate from your competitors. Can software releases be on time? Yes, but ...
03 January 2022‘De toekomst bouw je samen’, met die wens gingen we het afgelopen jaar in. Maar ‘toekomst’ kreeg een geheel ander perspectief, het ‘bouwen’ werd stutten en ‘samen’ werd min of meer synoniem voor de bestri...
18 October 2021Releasing Software on time is a choice! At the end Software is in most cases the foundation and an enabler for your business. The right choices (process & features) can accelerate your business.
30 August 2021Dividing the money is a modern translation of how to construct a product roadmap. At the end the product roadmap is not a single (power point) document but is a set of processes, tools documents and steps.
25 March 2021Triceps is 25 jaar geleden gestart met de ambitie om hoogwaardige professionals en bedrijven te helpen zich te ontwikkelen in persoonlijke ambitie en business succes. Zijn wij daarin geslaagd? Dat bepalen jij en de markt...